Queridos y estimados amigos, familiares, compañeros, profesores, alumnos, amigos de amigos, conocidos... ¡hola a todos! No sé si habéis oído hablar del crowdfunding o mecenazgo en red. Se trata de una iniciativa de apoyo a proyectos culturales de todo tipo, que mediante pequeñas aportaciones económicas hace posible que una idea salga adelante. Pues bien, aquí estamos nosotras: Ana, Amaya y Silvia, intentando poner en marcha un espectáculo de teatro para niños en inglés. Y ahí estáis vosotros, a los que con ...
mucho amor y cariño pedimos apoyo y ayuda. Tenemos 40 días (tic-tac-tic-tac) para recaudar los fondos del coste de nuestro proyecto. Cualquier aportación será recibida y festejada con grandes honores y tendréis vuestra recompensa, claro está. Como entendemos que la situación económica actual es dura para muchos de nosotros, si la colaboración no puede ser mediante moneda en curso... ¿nos ayudáis al menos con la difusión? Seguro que conocéis a muchas mamás y papás con niños a los que les apetezca colaborar y así sus peques tendrán la oportunidad de ver una obra muy divertida y al mismo tiempo practicar el inglés.
Os dejamos abajo el enlace para que podáis ver toda la información sobre el proyecto. Muchísimas gracias de antemano a todos y ¡¡¡ un fuerte abrazo!!!
http://www.verkami.com/ projects/ 3642-fiorentina-in-the-toys -world
Dear friends, family, mates, teachers, students, friends of friends, acquaintances... Hello everyone! You may have heard about crowdfunding or net sponsorship. The iniciative consists on supporting all kinds of cultural projects with small contributions to help an idea to get fully developed. Well here we are, Ana, Amaya and Silvia, trying to start a project: an English theater show for children. And there you are, to whom we kindly and respectfully ask for help. We have 40 days (tick-tock, tick-tock) to raise the necessary funds for our project. Any contribution will be received and celebrated with great honors, and you will, of course, get a reward. We understand the economic situation is difficult for many of us, so if the investment cannot be made in currency, would you at least help us to spread the news? We are sure many of you know many moms and dads with children, and they might be interested in collaborating so their little ones have the chance to see a very funny play while practising their English at the same time. Please check the link below, where you will find all the information about the project. Thanks a lot in advance to all of you and a big hug!
http://www.verkami.com/ projects/ 3642-fiorentina-in-the-toys -world
Os dejamos abajo el enlace para que podáis ver toda la información sobre el proyecto. Muchísimas gracias de antemano a todos y ¡¡¡ un fuerte abrazo!!!
Dear friends, family, mates, teachers, students, friends of friends, acquaintances... Hello everyone! You may have heard about crowdfunding or net sponsorship. The iniciative consists on supporting all kinds of cultural projects with small contributions to help an idea to get fully developed. Well here we are, Ana, Amaya and Silvia, trying to start a project: an English theater show for children. And there you are, to whom we kindly and respectfully ask for help. We have 40 days (tick-tock, tick-tock) to raise the necessary funds for our project. Any contribution will be received and celebrated with great honors, and you will, of course, get a reward. We understand the economic situation is difficult for many of us, so if the investment cannot be made in currency, would you at least help us to spread the news? We are sure many of you know many moms and dads with children, and they might be interested in collaborating so their little ones have the chance to see a very funny play while practising their English at the same time. Please check the link below, where you will find all the information about the project. Thanks a lot in advance to all of you and a big hug!
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